Christmas Designs

A Rainbow Christmas

Chad E. Smith from First Southern Baptist Church in Bryant, AR brings us these colorfully lit fabric drops and trees.

They started by hanging a black curtain that they had.

Then they hung a white gauze-like material that a church member donated. It comes in 100′ rolls and is 4′ wide. Chad simply adhered a strip on the back side of the wooden beams of 2″ velcro. It spanned the stage and the white material stuck right to the velcro. He gathered the fabric as he hung it to give it more texture.

Then they split it into five equal sections and gathered it in the center with pieces of cardboard that they covered with red glitter and attached it with elastic. They bought the two 12′ pre-lit trees from Sams Club and gathered the smaller trees from around their campus and from members who donated them to them. They got the real trees from a member who was a landscaping contractor, then secured them in five gallon buckets filled with small gravel. They sprayed all of the trees with spray snow. They used sparkling snow material at the base of the trees to make it look like snow on the ground.

Chad then took 12 LED fixtures and positioned them to back light the white material and real trees. Once all the materials were bought and gathered it took a team of 12 people approximately 6 hours to complete.

Total cost: ~$1000.

Christmas Ridges Strips and Dots

5 responses to “A Rainbow Christmas”

  1. Shey says:

    Love this! Great job! Thanks for posting!

  2. Gabriela says:

    Hi i was wondering what material the curtains were made of ?

  3. Matt Smith says:

    I would also like to know what material the “guaze-like” stuff is if possible.

  4. williams victor says:

    it’s awesome n when u take a look far away 4rm it, it gives u a lovely colour combination

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