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Free E-book: Ready-Made Stage Designs

Awhile back I put together a free e-book that helps stage designers figure out where to start. That’s been now downloaded well over 10,000 times. So… I figured it was about time to create another one.

Announcing: Ready-Made Stage Designs. This free e-book has five great options for ready-made stages, perfect for when you need something last-minute or don’t have a lot of energy to put into building something yourself. This works as a continuation to the “starter designs” e-book or can stand alone as its own starter kit. Grab the free e-book by entering your email address below.

We’ll also sign you up to get our free weekly emails from CSDI that offer extra tips on doing stage design well.

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29 responses to “Free E-book: Ready-Made Stage Designs”

  1. PI says:

    Thank you so much for the e-book!!

    It was very helpful and gave me a lot of options

    God bless!!

  2. jessika graff says:

    i cannot seem to download the ebook. nothing happens after i put my email and click the “Get E-book”. can you email it?

  3. Julian Gomez says:

    i cannot seem to download the ebook.
    Nothing happens when i put my email and click the “Get E-book”. can you email it?

  4. Yuni says:

    i cannot seem to download the ebook. nothing happens after i put my email and click the “Get E-book”. can you email it?

  5. Ifedapo says:

    Hello, I’m having the same problem as above.

  6. Carl Wilson says:

    Nothing happens when I try to get ebook

  7. Jephte Zata says:

    a huge thanks, these ideas really helps.

  8. JC says:

    Nothing happened. Ditto from above comments.

  9. rafael Barandas says:

    Iam trying to download the “Free E-book: Ready-Made Stage Designs” and seems to be impossible.

    Can u sent me by email, pls?

  10. Raul Fernandez says:

    Hi. I can’t download it. Can you help me sending it by mail, please?
    God bless you bother.

  11. Joseph Bennett says:

    I can’t get the ebook sign up information to go through.

  12. Débora says:

    Não consigo baixar o e-book…

  13. Ezekiel says:

    Pls can i get the ebook
    This is my mail

  14. Dave Steeves says:

    Nothing happens when I click the button after entering my information.

  15. Abraham says:

    Thank u so much, God bless you always!

    From indonesia😇😇🙏

  16. roberto Baasilio Delgado says:

    Estoy tratando de descargar el “Libro electrónico gratuito: diseños de escenario listos para usar” me urge .

    ¿Me pueden enviar por correo electrónico, por favor? roberto.bade@hotmail.com.

  17. Cyril Millett says:

    Like so many others I can get the ebook!

  18. John Olson says:

    I’m not able to download the e-book for some reason.

  19. Nung Mun Thawn says:

    I did not get the e-book. Could you please send me through e-mail. My mail is nungmunthawn@gmail.com. Thanks

  20. Cheila says:

    Olá gostaria de conseguir o e-book, obrigada

  21. Everson Erazo says:

    No puedo descargar el libro

  22. joseph says:

    Please send me ebook to my email
    really need

  23. Pasha Vorotilin says:

    Same problem unfortunately.
    Appreciate it.

  24. Carlos says:

    Download button doesn’t work!

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