Stage Designs


Devin Wright from The Venues in Springfield, Missouri brings us this network-looking stage design.

From Devin: This design was for our “Connections” series, inspired by neurons and synapses in the brain. We used a 1×4 spray painted wood frame and stapled metal fencing wire to the wood frame as a grid to attach the design. We put together the design on the floor then hung the frame on the wall like a picture.

The neurons are made from chicken wire formed into balls. We used gloves, as the chicken wire is sharp! We used small gauge metal spool of wire and twisted them around each connection point, connecting the arms to the neuron balls, and the balls to the metal grid.

We ran various colors of Christmas lights through the neuron arms and balls, allowing our lighting designer to light up different colors and areas at different times. We gave the illusion that the neurons connected behind the center screen, all the way across the stage. The Christmas lights were connected to dimmer packs at the bottom of either side of the stage.

We then wrapped the balls and arms in plastic wrapping, which reflected the stage lighting beautifully. We realized it needed additional thinner arms throughout the design, so we wrapped individual strands of Christmas lights in plastic wrap and looped them through the whole design to fill in spaces and add more complexity.

We already had the 1×4 wooden frames from previous designs. The total cost for materials was around $300 and we had materials left over.

Wide Eyes LED Forest

One response to “Neural”

  1. Rose Lauck says:

    I love this. i love the simplicity. I love the creativity. I love that it is more than just a cool background, but communicates something that enhances your series and makes your congregation think creatively. Really great work. Keep the ideas rolling.

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