Church Stage Design Ideas

Design Elements

Yo, Mondrian!

Mondrian was a Dutch painter in the early 1900s who used a certain concept in his paintings. Crossroads Community Church in Atlanta used this concept for part of their stage design. To create the Mondrian-themed pie...

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  • Stage Designs
  • Special Event Design
  • Christmas Designs
  • Stage Lighting
Design Elements

Shoji…Oh, Gee!

Sometimes you want a really cool backdrop but don’t have a lot of stage depth to play with. Japanese shoji screens are a great way to add some life and texture to a stage without taking up a lot of space. You ...

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Stage Designs

The Holy Trinity of Spandex

Josh Parrish rocked this sweet little stage design that you could recreate for about $650, plus a few LED par cans and two flat screen TVs. The truss elements are actually antennas that you can pick up at your local...

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Stage Designs

Raising the Bar

At the Summit Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, we wanted an amazing stage design but didn’t want to spend a bunch of money just for something cool. So between a year or so of planning and quite a few sketches,...

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