Easter Designs

Stretched Arms

Becca Matthews from Catalyst Church in Evansville, IN brings us this great Easter look.

For their Easter series (It is Finished), Becca laid out an image of Jesus on a cross, printed it on transparency film and projected it on the wall. After lightly tracing it with white chalk, she painted the white leaving the negative space (the image of Jesus’s body) the color of the black wall behind. Jesus’s image was surrounded by the white space of the cross.

Chevron Back Line Gauges

92 responses to “Stretched Arms”

  1. Caleb Boyette says:

    Love the contrast. Picks up the light so well. Great work.

  2. Larryant says:

    Would you send me the artwork too please

  3. Jaycie Conaway says:

    This is incredible! Could you send me the artwork and details as well? Thank you so much!!

  4. Could I get the artwork and details too? This is awesome!!!

  5. Wow this is great! I would love the deets and artwork as well! allison@esfirst.org
    Thank you!

  6. Sue Little says:

    Hope I’m not too late to get artwork and details. Love it!

  7. Hello,
    I am a worship pastor in Lawerenceville, Ga. And we are already starting to work on Easter presentations. If possible is there a way you could email the details to me about creating this awesome presentation? If you are willing and can supply details, you can email me at: pastorjenahl@thetabernacle.org

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    Kind Regards,


  8. Matt says:

    Hi Becca, would love to try to recreate this, would it be possible to also get the artwork. Matthewsutcliffe@gmail.com

  9. Catie M says:

    This is awesome! Would I please be able to have a copy of the design info also? My email is catie.m.13@hotmail.com

  10. Paul Anderson says:

    Can you please send me the artwork also?

  11. Paul Anderson says:

    My email address is Pauldanand7@aol.com. Thanks! :)

  12. Dawid says:

    Great job! Can you send it to me also?
    My email is: kosciukdawid@gmail.com


  13. Perry says:

    This is great! Can you send it to me also? My email is ps68504@gmail.com.

    Thank you.

  14. Danny Harrison says:

    So awesome! Would you mind sharing the artwork with our church please? It looks really great! Thank you

  15. Heidi Rodriguez says:

    Beautiful. We used your idea for our 2019 Youth Convention “UNSTOPPABLE.” Truly a powerful image.

  16. Scott says:

    If it’s not to late, I would love to see the details and artwork as well. My email is pastorscottg@harvestefc.com

    Thank you!

  17. Elia says:

    Hello Becca , loved this idea could you send me details and art work please we will be having a retreat next month and would love to use this as our background, thanks

  18. Brent Borill says:

    Hello Becca,
    This is incredible I would love to recreate this at our church for Easter could you please send the art work and details I would greatly appreciate it. My email is brentborill@yahoo.com

  19. Penny Smarrella says:

    We love this. Would you send me the art?


  20. Kenny Martin says:

    Could I get the artwork as well. This is awesome

  21. Lauren Parker says:

    LOVE this, could our church have the artwork, as well.

  22. Laura says:

    Hello Becca, can you please send me the artwork as well? Did you you use an image to paint the silhouette? Thank you for your reply. My email is laura_spaniol@yahoo.com

  23. Amanda says:

    Hi! Amazing! Would love to see the artwork and possibly use this for a stage design too. Appreciate any help, Amanda


  24. Amy Okeson says:

    Hello Becca, if you are still willing to share (or sell) this image we would love to use it as well. Thank you! Amy

  25. Pam Taylor says:

    HI Becca,
    I would love be able to use this if you are still willing to share.
    Thank you!

  26. Rosi says:

    Poderia me enviar também ?

    Rosy-7887@Hotmail.com ficarei muito agradecida

  27. Larryant says:

    Can you send me the artwork again sorry

  28. Yeny says:

    Could you please the info to me as well!
    Thank you!

  29. LaDonna Williams17 says:

    We would like to use this for this Easter program. Could you send me the artwork and details of how you did it? I appreciate you sharing.

  30. LaDonna Williams says:

    We want to use this for our Easter program. Would you send the artwork and how you did it? I appreciate you sharing this.

  31. KRISTI JARRELL says:

    Please send me artwork and details we would love to recreate this!!!

    • Becca Matthews says:

      I would be happy to… the only thing I ask for is pictures when you get it done! I will need your email address please.

  32. VanWinkle says:

    Becca this is AWESOME! we would love to try this Lloydvan@ymail.com

  33. Justin says:

    I would like to jump on wagon. Can I get the details. It maybe to late to try but would love to see the details to see if it is possible. Send to jpetrovich66@yahoo.com.

  34. Matt says:

    Awesome design! And what an incredible service you are to all these churches! God bless you for your gift of design to us all. We’re talking through ideas for changing our stage right now. Could I get the design and details as well? mschonder@gmail.com

  35. Ruthie says:

    Hi Becca,
    I know this was posted in 2012 and it is now 2020, but by chance is your artwork and instructions still available? I would appreciate it so very much you would be able to send it to me. God bless you!

  36. Colleen says:

    Hey Becca! I’d love to get your artwork and instructions!

    Thanks so much for all your work!

  37. Lloyd Yana says:

    I love the background and i like to use it in our good friday service. Is it okay if you can teach how did you do it? Thanks!

  38. Lori says:

    Ive looked at many Easter ideas for our church, your idea is striking! Would it be possible to send me the artwork and instructions. This is beautiful! Thank you! LoriDAllen@icloud.com

  39. Lisa Seaton says:

    Stunning and emotionally gripping design! Would love to have this artwork as well, would you mind sharing it, please? lisaseatontx@yahoo.com

  40. Ben says:


    I like this graphic, it is a great reminder to us all. If available can you send a copy to benjaminpparker@gmail.com I would like markup a conceptual drawing that fits our set design.

    Thanks so much.

  41. Dalla Lewis says:

    This is incredible! Could you send me the artwork and details as well? Thank you!

  42. Cheryl Sharpes says:

    Could I please get a copy of the artwork & any details for lighting it or what kind of paint you used. Thanks so much. cherylsharpes@yahoo.com

  43. Sarah says:

    Hi Becca,

    If you still have this would you mind sending on the artwork and details to me? I’d love to see if we can recreate this! pastorsarah@kokomonaz.org

  44. Lea Mejia says:

    Hi there!

    This is so awesome would you mind sharing artwork and details if you have any. to ericleamejia@yahoo.com. thank you so much!

  45. Chuck Osborne says:

    Would love to use this at our church can you send us the information?

  46. Auriane Rodrigues says:

    Que lindo

    Pode enviar pra mim por favor


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