Stage Designs

Taste the Rainbow

Andrew Hunt and his team from Blue Ridge Community Church in Lynchburg, VA brings us this awesome use of Coroplast.

This backdrop uses 2’x4′ pieces of white Coroplast stapled to studs fastened on the back wall. To create the wave effect, every other end was offset about 8″ from the stud with a 8″ trimmed stud.

The lighting for this stage design was comprised of AC Lighting Color Splits (for the sides), High End Studio Beams above the backdrop, ETC S4 Jr for backlighting, and S4 Jr Zooms for the front light.

LED Fill Rays Over Rough

34 responses to “Taste the Rainbow”

  1. Brandon says:

    hey just wondering what coroplast is. We have used spandex wrapped around boxes before but i would love to know where to buy this and what some of its best uses are since i’ve seen it mentioned here on the site pretty often

    • Coroplast (a brand name of corrugated plastic) is basically the material they make those real estate signs from. They have the grooves inside that let you put a thick wire through to stick the signs into the ground. Does that clarify what it is? It's really easy to cut and very lightweight.

      • Mark Runkle says:

        Is there any way possible to get a copy of plans for this design? We are interested in trying this for a state-wide youth event hosted by our church in Alaska.

  2. Andrew Hunt says:

    Hey guys! I just happened upon this site: I thought that might help. You can purchase it at many of your local sign shops. We purchase ours from a sign shop in NC.

  3. Mike Barone says:

    Can you send me the plans for this! We are getting ready to start that on our stage today

    • Andrew says:

      Mike, did you guys use this design at your building? I'd love to see pics of your final work if you did! We're glad that it's getting some use and helping generate ideas. Jonathan is doing a fantastic job with this site.

  4. Javier wernyjowski says:

    Hey im a new user from your awesome site, im from uruguay south amerika, and i gonna use this design for a national independence bicentenary day, if u want, please send me the design to me. Thanx so much.
    Muy Buen Trabajo.

  5. I’m Interested in implementing this design, I noticed that the website no longer works. Would you be able to let me know specifically how this was created?

  6. saly says:

    I’m Interested in implementing this design, I noticed that the website no longer works. Would you be able to let me know specifically how this was created?

  7. Sue Jensen says:

    Our stage design team is going to build this for our spring stage design. I think with our new LEDs it will look great. The plan is to cut the pieces of coroplast into 1’x2’s so our 10’x22′ back wall can also serve as a “stone wall” backdrop in our Easter production. I am trying to figure out how to have the studs built that the pieces will be fastened to so the studs are not seen coming up through the front projections. Secondly, is it a better idea to cut the coroplast into long 1′ strips and score the coroplast every 2′ so it can be stapled easier to the studs or can we cut the coroplast into about 140 1×2 pieces and attach each of them individually?

  8. Rocky Montenegro says:

    Did anyone got a building diagram of this wall? email please:

  9. Brandon says:

    I would also like for someone to email me the plans. Thanks.

  10. Toluwase says:

    I will like to know how this design was made. Kindly share any document that will help with this. My mail is. . Thanks

  11. Allison says:

    I would love to obtain the design plans for this…if at all possible!! Blog post link does not work!!! ;-)

  12. Allison says:

    This is very cool, would love to have a copy of this design, if possible….thanks in advance!

  13. Chris Parker says:

    Hello, I really like this backdrop. My sanctuary is a smaller traditional sanctuary that I am attempting to create a more contemporary look on a small budget. Would someone please email me the plans for building this set. Thank you

  14. Chris Parker says:

    Hello, I really like this backdrop. My sanctuary is a smaller traditional sanctuary that I am attempting to create a more contemporary look on a small budget. Would someone please email me the plans for building this set. Thank you

  15. Ernesto says:

    I am currently redesigning the background for our church in Virginia. Does anyone know what type of structural support is being used to achieve this design? And if so, could you share?
    Or, does anyone have the plans in general for this effect?

  16. Heidi says:

    Please email the plans to me as well!

  17. Jon says:

    Hey guys, did anyone ever acquire build plans for this set piece?

    • Ernesto says:

      I never got plans, I used what little info I had, and researched the heck out of it. My team and I reverse engineered the plans, and did ours. We are with Faith Feowship Church in Wirtz VA, and it came out pretty good (if I do say so myself). You can check it out at if you like. If you want to know how we did ours you can let me know.

  18. Andy Simmons says:

    Hello, I really like this backdrop. I’m kinda new to this and the sanctuary we use is a smaller traditional sanctuary and I’am attempting to create a more contemporary look for our youth services on a small budget. If you could send the design drawings for this build along with the lighting used and it’s placement, I would really appreciate it. Thank you

  19. Glaucia says:

    This stage it´s just amazing. How can I do the structure to hold the coroplat?

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