Stage Designs

Break the Looking Glass

Jeremy Tomlinson from River Run Christian Church in Chuluota, FL brings us this shattered wall with the cross in the center.

Mosaic Tiles

They used white foam board (what you’d use for science fair projects) cut into random shapes. From there, they bought the dense blue 2″ thick 4×8 sheets of styrofoam insulation from Lowes, cut it into approximate cubes and Foam Liquid Nailed it to the triangles. Then they glued (Liquid Nails for Foam) it to the wall. The 2″ separation gave it some contrast with black shadows in between each tile. Jeremy lit it with LED bars on the floor.

The Wall

Before he glued the tiles and blue cubes, Jeremy hung black aluminum screening. This allowed them to move the screen easily for special events or to quickly change the stage.

The Cross

The cross was simply the absense of mosaic tiles.


  • Five BenQ SP920 (6k lumens) – Approximately $2,000 each
  • 3 of the projectors were blended in the middle
  • 2 of the projectors were on each side
  • 2 Computers
  • 1 Master ProPresenter for the middle that triggers another ProPresenter for the 2 side. This synced all their backgrounds.


  • Cut the foam board with a box-cutter
  • Cut the blue insulation foam with a jigsaw or hot knife
  • Make sure you use Liquid Nails for foam
  • Hold by hand each tile for 10 sec or so until glue sticks

Grunge Windows Jesus Grid

15 responses to “Break the Looking Glass”

  1. mark says:

    i like how this stage design is illustrated with pictures that clearly show how it was put together. many of the entries are really difficult to understand how they were put together.

  2. Sonya Rice says:

    Hey Guys,
    This is Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing such detail on how to create this wonderful set. We are just starting our Visual Arts Ministry and don’t know ANYTHING! Can you tell me what kind of lights you used and where to get them?

    Thanks again! This website is a blessing!!!!!!!

  3. Omar Hernández says:

    Thanks so much guys, we’re from Guadalajara, México, and will be use your designs for our stagge. Be bless!!

  4. Sharon says:

    Looks like the cross has some spray paint on it. And is the aluminum screen simply hanging or is there something behind it. Our set doesn’t have any “back” to it and i’m wondering if the screen or landscaping fabric (as an alternative) might be hanging okay with the styro and foam core board on it. whatcha think?

  5. Omar Hernández says:

    Hello! We made this desing in our church, how can we shared with you? We have pikcs!

  6. Mark says:

    Greetings! We’re running three projectors in the middle and just now adding to side projectors … All will be run though 2 Macs running propresenter. Can you tell me how you synced all 5 projectors to propresenter? :-). Thank you!

  7. Windy Gamel says:

    We made this stage design at our church this weekend and it got lots of positive fee

  8. Manny Chen says:

    I like the look but would be concerned with fire safety. Most foam core board and foam insulation boards are flammable and are not designed to be used exposed. There are fire resistant products available so do your research. One thing I would add is DMX controllable LED strip light to outline the cross.

  9. Aaron says:

    Is that one huge sheet of aluminum screen or did you have to attach multiple? I love the cross in negative/shadow. This is so great.

  10. Bill Bodenschatz says:

    We are looking at how to do this for our upcoming sermon series, My curiosity is about the screen that on the support frame.

  11. Bill Bodenschatz says:

    Is this aluminum window screen?

  12. Angeline says:

    Hello, i would like to ask what would be the meaning of a shattered wall? Is it biblical? We are planning also to copy the design for our church. Thank you so much

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