Mason McGill from Kingdom Empowerment Christian Church in Dover, Delaware brings us this string design.
From Mason: Our wonderful team used a compressed board and yarn for the letters for our Just JESUS Backdrop. We already had lighting and each board (once we figured out how to do it) took about a couple of hours.
The whole project was less than $75.
Poderia informar qual tipo de material .
Boa Noite! gostaria de saber o material que vcs usaram, É que morro e Custódia/PE.Se possível vcs me fica mais fácil
\\obrigada pela gentileza!
Deus continuem lhe abençoando!!!
Creio que poderia ser feito com madeirit pintado de preto. Aí vc modela as letras com pregos no contorno das letras e do quadro e então usa lã branca pra fazer o preenchimento.
I would like to know how do you covered all the wall in black. Thanks!
We painted the wall
Hey Mason! What did you outline the letters with? are those golf tees? Also what yarn did you use? Is it just white?
We used white finishing nails and a projector to outline the letters. The yarn is all white
Hi, can u please let me know what is the size of the letters and how many yarns did u used? Planning to make this for our church anniversary soon. Thanks in advance and God bless!
hello, please could you be kind and share the information, how you guys made that decoration, i mean measure and things like this, appreciated a lot.
thanks and God bless you guys!!!
How far apart are the nails?
So cool! I want to make this myself! Just need to order the supplies. How many nails and how much string did you use?
Hi, please can you explain how you used a projector to outline the letters please. Also what was the background or the letters made of?
Hi, please can you explain how you used a projector to outline the letters please. Also what was the background or the letters made of?
Can I know the name of the lights you used from the bottom for the Jesus panel
Buenas noches.
Podría pasar la lista y cantidad de materiales.
Please can you give much details on the making. Thank you so much
That’s a brilliant design. I want to copy it for our church.
What type of string to be used?
Thank you
Can you please tell me, how did you hang these?
Did you email the answers to everyone individually to all of these questions or where can I find the answers to all the above questions?
We love your Jesus backdrop and would love to replicate it with your permission and details
So many are asking for this. Just sale the oil. Make them and market them church.Let us know when it’s for sale and we’ll purchase. Thanks