Christmas Designs

Kris Krinkle

Vince Farrell from Christ Community Church in Hopkinsville, KY brings us this Christmassy use of crinkled aluminum screening. 

They went to Lowes and bought five 48″ wide by 25′ long grey screen. They cut them in half, giving them just over 12′ in length. The scrunched them up, tacked them on the wall with a staple gun, and used basic Par32 cans with purple and blue gels. Total cost, not counting lights was around $130.

Then they added some Christmas trees with silver ornaments in front to make it Christmas.

Lamp Unto My Stage Lit Truss

24 responses to “Kris Krinkle”

  1. Kevin Crainshaw says:

    Great look! Love the gel color choice and the trees. Did you use aluminum or fiberglass screening?

  2. Vince says:

    Thanks Kevin!

    We used the charcoal fiberglass screen mesh from Lowes

  3. Can you share your technique for “wrinkling” your screen? This is one of the most uniform looks that I’ve seen using the screen material. Thanks!

    • Vince says:

      First, when wrinkling be sure to use gloves after the third go around, we started noticing it tearing up our hands pretty badly. As far as technique, I don’t know if this helps but here it is; me and one other guy did it that may pose a possibility of it being limited to multiple people influencing different methods producing different looks.
      We simply kept both hands about 6inches apart while grabbing open handed then closing to fist with screen in hand. Besides that, I’d say we got pretty lucky with it. Thanks for the comment, pray that helps.

  4. Abby says:

    Hi, I was just wondering if you could post a picture or share a picture of what this looked like unlit. (a “daytime” photo)

  5. Ryan says:

    Did you have to paint the wall behind the mesh a certain color to get that look? And I’d like to see a daytime/unlit photo too if you have one.

  6. JP says:

    Congratulations on a great look! Are the turquoise lights up lighted? Where these lights manipulated by a remote controller or were the lights statically displayed?

  7. Bj Blackburn says:

    What did you staple the design to? How would we get this design with a cinderblock wall behind the design?

  8. R Manuel says:

    Great look Vince. I was hoping you could clear up something about the screen mesh you used. I bought the charcoal fiberglass screen mesh from Lowes, as you mentioned, but it appears very dark – where your picture looks more grayish. Just wondering if yours appeared black prior to adding the lighting?
    Thanks for your help!

  9. Michele says:

    This looks so amazing. I have no idea of any of the products you used and our church just finished our new worship center with a stage similar to this and are trying to decorate for Christmas inexpensively. When you used the par32 lights and you talked about gels, did you mean that was the light colors you used?

  10. Nathan Huyser says:

    Do you have this pattern up throughout the year and just added the trees for Christmas? I’m curious. We just put this up on our stage for Christmas and love it- and already I don’t want to have to take it down (not for awhile at least).

  11. Lisa Hanson says:

    Hi Vince,

    I work at Atonement Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND. We are going to try this design on our stage and I was wondering if we could call you to ask a few questions? We are wanting to get this done and ready for Easter. Thank You!

  12. Gary says:

    Folks look at original post, not fiberglass screen, aluminum screen.

  13. Betty Fuller says:

    We are fixing to do this background. Can you advise if the screen is fiberglass or aluminum ? Thanks

  14. Tom Grubb says:

    Vince, To say that you are amazing would definitely be an exaggerated understatement. You are very blessed, my friend. Thanks so much for sharing your creation with all of us to enjoy and yes, even try to replicate, if possible. We here at First Baptist Church in El Paso, IL already have the staging designed for this year, but I can certainly tell you what Christmas 2018 will be looking like! Thanks so much!! God Bless!

  15. Tammey Faford says:

    We did something similar by looking at your scenes. It turned out beautiful.

  16. Sam says:

    Thank you for sharing your idea, we are so interrsted to make the screen. Would you tell me, what materials did you use?

  17. Sam says:

    Thank you for sharing this, we are interested to make it, would you tell us, what materials do you use for your screen? Thank you before

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