Stage Designs

Projection and Candles

Dustin Bauerle from Community of Hope in Mansfield, TX brings us this cool combination of candlelit pallets and environmental projection.

They don’t have much stage lighting, but they do have environmental projection set up in their room. They wanted to enhance it with a simple, warm stage design. The total cost was about $150 for the LED candles, black fabric, screws/washers/brackets. They borrowed the pallets from a church member’s workplace. Black fabric was stapled to the back of the pallets to provide separation from the beige wall. To create the “candle holders”, he used 2″ wood screws and hot glued a large washer to the top.

White Strips The Tubes

20 responses to “Projection and Candles”

  1. Chris Fluitt says:


    I’d like to know how they have their environmental projection set up. How many projectors and what models.

  2. Cindy Cyr says:

    I would also like to know about the environmental projection.

  3. Thanks!

    For those curious about the EP setup:
    Only using 2 projectors (Hitachi CPX8160)
    2 computers running ProPresenter 5
    Matrox triplehead2go (just using left and right)
    Camron Ware over at helped us get the system put together.

    Feel free to email me at dustin[at]

  4. Luke McElroy says:

    Dustin –

    Looks incredible! Seems you’ve been able to benefit from

  5. Brooke Pamer says:

    Do you know the company you ordered your black chandelier lights from?

  6. Serene Tang says:

    Hey Ive got a few questions…
    How far away is the projector from your walls?
    What is the layout of the projecors?
    Why did you use two laptops? Could you not have used one?
    Also, may I know the cost of the Hitachi CPX8160 where you are too?

    • -The projectors are 55-65 feet from the walls.
      -Not totally sure what you mean by layout, but one projector is for the left side, one for the right side, and then our existing ceiling mounted projector for the center screen.
      -We use two computers because our center screen is independent from the EP system. We have lots of groups using our worship center who need a single screen setup without the complications of EP. If we didn’t use the center screen and just had a three projector EP system, we could’ve done that with just one computer.
      -The projectors were at a great price. If you email me (dustin at community of hope dot com) I’ll tell you more specifics on that.

  7. Love the triple wide projection!

  8. I’m wondering where you got the LED candles from. I have been looking around! Also, how did you attach/keep the pallets stable? Thanks!

    • Hi, Eric!
      I got all the LED candles at Garden Ridge (not sure what regions they have stores in). The pallets are screwed into the stage floor using a handful of really simple brackets from Walmart.

  9. Ryan Green says:

    This is probably one of the best set ups I’ve seen for stages with a semi-shallow set up. Love it! Quick question, what color is the back wall? From the picture it looks like a beige.

  10. Dave Jackson says:

    Hey Dustin,
    Just wanted to know what the dimensions of your auditorium. Look like you may have a similar size to ours and wondering if a similar set-up might work.

    • Dustin Bauerle says:

      Dave, it’s basically a 55ft x 55ft square room. We typically set out about 200 chairs, but can go up to 250 if people are willing to be really friendly.

  11. Erin says:

    Hey Dustin,

    This set looks fantastic! What size are the candles?

  12. Carol says:

    What was the name or # of the background you are projecting?

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