Special Event Design


Dale Kline from Lifesong Church in Sutton, MA brings us these great letters.

On Easter Sunday they started a new series called ‘RE’ (the idea building off the prefix ‘re-’) dealing with the Re-surrection, Re-Do’s, Re-Start’s, etc.

They wanted to create 2 things:
1. a backdrop for Quarter 2 of 2013 (Spring) that would allow them to maximize the vibe and feel of spring, which is lots of bright color.
2. They wanted to create 2 sets of letters that tied the design to the series. One set for the foyer/ entryway to their auditorium and the second for their platform

8 – 4×8 sheets of 3m corrugated fluteboard (coroplast)
– They cut the sheets in half with a utility knife
150 ft of Black Paracord
– They used the paracord to hang the squares from the trussing their screen hangs from (~3ft off their back wall)
– They created a 10 inch gap/ border around each square and around the screen and attached the squares to each other using the paracord.

Foam Letters (Platfom):
The idea here was to create clean, simple letters that would tie to the letters in the foyer but be at the opposite end of the spectrum, clean, refined, and pure. Again, tying into the message series.

4 – 4×8 sheets of 1inch thickness foam board
– They cut 2 of each letter and then 4inch spacers that were used around the letters to glue them together
– The letters were painted white to reflect whatever light we put on them
– Once letters were assembled, we used white duct tape to reinforce seems
– We re-purposed 2 Christmas light strands we used in our Christmas/ Quarter 1 set inside of the letters; 1 set in each letter. The sides of each letter were left open other than the spacers. After adding the lights, this gave the letters a silhouette-look
– Lastly we used a white transparent/ translucent soft fabric to wrap the letters (covering any seems/ tape, etc. and the edges to also soften the glow of the inside lights.

Pallet Letters (Foyer)
They created these letters to give people something to pass by/ look at before entering. The idea was to elicit a question in their minds that they could bring up as the service/ sermon/ and series continued. For these letters theywere going for an old, aged, roughed up, worn look.

2 – 4×8 sheets of plywood (created a template for the letters)
– They drew the letters on the plywood and cut them out to attach the pallet wood to

5-7 wooden pallets they picked up at a local company who gave them away free

12 – 1×2’s 8ft long
– They used these to reinforce the letters on the backside, stabilizing the frame
– They also used these to create an easel-like backing so that the letters would stand upright in the foyer
– Lastly, they used a torch and burned the edges to add to the aged/ worn look.

They were able to accomplish this for ~$300.

0 - Service Pic

00 - Service Pic

1 - Before

2 - During

3 - After










Surrounded by Thorns Logos and Logos

7 responses to “Re:”

  1. JB says:

    That looks great! I was wondering where they got the 4×8 sheets of 3m corrugated flute board? I’ve been looking online and it seems like it is only available in other countries that don’t ship to the US.

    • Dale Kline says:

      We used Piedmont Plastics (www.piedmontplastics.com/) and got a great deal; we also found they had a location within 10 mins from us!

  2. JB says:


  3. Nice clear stage design. Is there a way to project on those squares beside the main screen?

    • Dale Kline says:

      Yes, you can. That was our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for this project…we are still working on getting a few more pieces of equipment to execute this

  4. kunle john says:

    what a great work. so inspiring and so exceptional. kudos to yo. i have been so challenged by your works

  5. Eli Martinez says:

    What do your stage lights consist of?
    Excellent job!

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