Special Event Design

Thin Lined Sign

Dana Potvin from Dalton First United Methodist in Dalton, GA brings us this simple stage design with a nice text treatment.

Budget: Less than $500
Black Foam Board: $250 for 25 4’x8′ sheets. Only 6 of them were used in this design.
Hanging Light Receptacles: $90
Antique Bulbs: $100, she used 2 different style of bulbs to add a slightly different texture to the light.
Framed Walls: $60, these will stay up for an extended period of time, lots of reusability.
6 Pallets: free
Lights: 9 Chauvet Colorbank LED light bars and 6 Chauvet Colordash Pars.

This was the first stage design ever in this room.

To create the unique text treatment, the first found the font they wanted to use for the design. This particular one was called “Inception”. After they found the font, they had to size it accordingly so it would be legible to everyone seeing it. To get the size they needed, Dana created the template in Photoshop then printed it as a poster. Each letter was around six 81/2 x 11 pages.

Then Dana taped them all together to get the whole word. From there they centered it on an 8′ x 4′ piece of foam board, then used razor knives and cut right into the paper template and foam board alike. It was fairly time intensive because of the complex lettering. After the letters were cut out, they put white craft paper behind it to really reflect any light they wanted to put on it.

Photo Dec 31, 6 32 20 PM

Photo Jan 13, 12 13 31 PM (HDR)

Photo Jan 13, 12 15 06 PM

Photo Jan 16, 12 38 22 PM (HDR)

Pixel Words Slats Christmas

One response to “Thin Lined Sign”

  1. Melbin Diaz says:

    Me gusta mucho….

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