Christmas Designs

Throwback: Theatrical Christmas

Steven Hall from Journey Church in Norman, OK brings us this Christmas stage design that feels simply theatrical. (Originally posted September 2013)

Every year Journey Church puts together a Christmas show to reach out to the community. This year they themed their celebration as Vintage Christmas. The feel started outside the building with Christmas lights, a bonfire, and Christmas music.

In the center of the lobby was a giant wreath flown above everyone. They team used their 24′ circle truss and covered it with black fabric, garland, and Christmas lights. Some of the other cool things for kids in the lobby included a log cabin playland, a train set, racing monster trucks, cookie decorating, and Lincoln log cabin building.

Marty Taylor had the idea of creating a proscenium out of red velour fabric like an old proscenium theater. Along these lines they decided to hang lots of older style conventional fixtures as scenic. They rented a bunch of scoops, fresnels, lekos, and beam projectors. Company De Roth rented vintage lights to them for $40 a piece for the entire month-long run of this set. This coupled with their small inventory of Pars, scoops and fresnels helped them to create an awesome stage design. They focused most of their vintage fixtures out across the audience. They also made sure to never dim their vintage fixtures above 30%. Their goal was to have a warm glow, not blinders.

They rented the Red Damask curtains from Grosh rentals. The fabric cost them about $750 a week to rent. They used PVC pipe bent into curves and supported every few feet to make the curve their proscenium curtain tied to. They spent about $60 of PVC and spray paint to support the curtain. To light the curtain they focused 6 Colorblasts across the fabric.

To help the vintage fixtures stand out a bit, they down-lit the fixtures with Par 46s.

They mixed in their moving lights with the set and conventionals and were able to create some pretty awesome looks.

They lit their back curtain with Colorblasts, so they could try to match the Red look of the Damask drape.

Some of our other scenic elements included, Christmas trees, 55 Gal drum percussion, and Snow for the finale.
















Throwback: Wherefore Art Thou Pointing!

2 responses to “Throwback: Theatrical Christmas”

  1. Eric says:


  2. oluchukwu uchenna says:


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